We went to Alma Birth Center (by RadioCab) at 8 am on Thursday, November 26th-- Happy Thanksgiving!
Jasper Louis Proctor was born at 3:51 am on Friday, November 27th. He weighed 8 lbs, 13 oz, and is beautiful.
Around 4 pm on Saturday, November 28th, we hopped in our pedicab and rode home. Thanks, Ryan!
More soon. Now? Nursing, sleep, and dreams of fast bicycles.

More photos on Flickr!
Probably no relevant for 12 months minimum (per manufacturer):
But this is the best child-on-standard-bike seat I've seen. Of course, most people I know go for the trailer or the insane multi-wheeled custom bike with platforms that might as well be a trailer.
And that one guy in Somerville who unicycles with a jogging stroller. Who, I'm told, has turned into a parent-child unicycle show with a wee little unicycle spotted on bike paths.
I used to see the guy in Somerville all the time. First I saw him with his unicycle and the three-wheeled jogging stroller, and then I saw him last year with the unicycle and the stroller followed by a child on training wheels and one on a bicycle. One, two, three, four.
Welcome Jasper!
Congrats!!! Jasper's first bike ride came earlier than I thought ... nice solution to your ride home dilemma. I'll stay tuned for baby-on-bike updates!
By the way, the UW safety researcher wasn't aware of any under 1yo dummies available for comparing modes, but we could still get creative with an accelerometer and some real actual babies ...
You all look fab. Wishing you happy naps together.
What a wonderful way to ride home! Good luck to all of you!
congratulations! i never did get to thank you for your help with the Tour de Ladd - maybe i'll see you and jasper out and about in the neighborhood one of these days.
he's beautiful and i *love* that you took a pedicab home. perfect!
So great! Welcome, Jasper! I can't wait to meet him and see the two new proud parents. :)
A huge congratulations!!!! Welcome, Jasper. Love the pedicab snaps-- very cool. Wishing you good health, happy nursing, and some decent stretches of sleep.
The last picture, in particular, is beautiful.
ooh I'm so late! I keep forgetting to bookmark and forgot the exact title and have been wracking my brain for it to check in.
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